Legal entity BARIN is a enterprise registered in Quebec, Canada with the enterprise number "2261733317". The legal form of enterprise is "Entreprise individuelle". This enterprise was created on "1969-12-31 16:0". Current enterprise status is "Radiée D'office". This enterprise registered office address is "305-6060 rue Émile-Nelligan Montréal (Québec) H4J1G5".

Enterprise Profile

Enterprise Name: BARIN
Enterprise No: 2261733317 Registered Date: 1969-12-31 16:0
Legal Form: Entreprise individuelle
Status: Radiée D'office
Address: 305-6060 rue Émile-Nelligan Montréal (Québec) H4J1G5
Bankruptcy: Le registre ne fait état d'aucune faillite pour cette entreprise.
Merger and split:
Continuation and transformation:
Liquidation or dissolution:
CAE: 9212
Industry: Restaurants sans permis d'alcool

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